Thursday, October 23, 2008

Things Are Great/Things Are Horrible

I feel like I'm crawling through a loooooong dark tunnel with a bright-ass light at the end of it. Only catch is, the tunnel's walls are slowly closing in on me. The end is visible and within reach, but will I be able to make it there before everthing closes in on me?

The end is in sight. My goals are getting fulfilled one by one and my plan is slowly coming to fruition. I got hired as a "Patient Liason" @ Christ Hospital, which puts me in position to get hired as a X-Ray Technologist there when I graduate in September. School is finally getting easier, as my grades are splendid and the hell of my first year is over. Not only do I actually have a future, but it is bright and reachable. Only 11 more months til graduation.

However, the stress of the everyday hustle and bustle has been getting to me. Combine that with some trying experiences that I've been enduring in my personal life and I feel like the walls are closing in on me. Everything was so great and positive, but that has changed. Fair enough. I'll admit, occasionally I have to turn to certain things to deal with the pressure, but it's nothing big.

Will I make it?

Will I fail?

Only time will tell.

Ask me again In 11 months.